Gregory Bender

2014 March 24: Resume work on transmission assembly (2.00 hours)


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It has been far too long since I have made any progress on the Ambassador. My attention hasn't been on other motorcycles, but rather on work: that four letter word that pays the bills and consumes the best part of a person's adult life.

Well, Kev and Karen from Guzzi Overland stayed with us for nearly two weeks this March. They were welcome guests and we were blessed to have them here. Kev spent a lot of time in my garage. I was busy with work and did not spend as much time with him as I would have liked. Now that they have moved on heading south, I've been inspired to spend more time in the garage myself. So, tonight I took the time and started finalizing the assmbly of the transmission. I didn't get it all finished, but I got a bunch done and I got my head back in the game. I hope to continue this progress in days to come.

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