Gregory Bender

2013 May 11: Assemble forks (4.00 hours)


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I've had the tap for 3 weeks already, but had not taken any time to work on things. I took some time on Saturday to assemble the forks. I started by running the tap down both ends of each fork tube. The tap worked perfectly and now my bolts thread in perfectly. Assembly of the left fork worked very well. I could tell a significant difference in the function of the fork as I moved the new tube up and down with the new bushings. Wow! What a difference over worn out parts.

The left fork lower, however, gave me fits. There is a bit of corrossion inside the fork lower that is interferring with the new lower bushing (the old lower bushing slides up and down perfectly). I tried various techniques to smooth out the surface with no luck (wire wheel, sand paper). I'm going to see if I source a hone small enough to fit inside and smooth things out that way.

Let this be a reminder of why it is important to change the fork oil regularly!

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