Gregory Bender

2012 November 07: More frame prep (1.50 hours)


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I used a wire wheel in my hand drill to clean the area surrounding the holes I need to fill. I also ground off what remained of the three tabs on the rear part of the frame that had been removed by a previous owner. These tabs are used to mount a small rack behind a solo seat. While I intend to fit a dual seat, I want any future owner to have open options. I fabricated new tabs to be welded in place. The side stand is missing the deployment arm, but I will have another one made using the original deployment arm on my long running Ambassador as a template.

On an aside...while everyone is free to do whatever they like, I've never understood the desire to cut off factory frame tabs from our beloved loop frames. A cleaner appearance? It never looks cleaner to my eyes, but instead indicates the need for the frame to be fixed. Less weight? Please. If I wanted the cute, custom look with welds that have been ground away and filled until the entire frame appeared molded with plastic tubing, there are plenty modern custom motorcycles available. I'd rather appreciate the original construction and functionality of the frame than hide it away. Don't even get me started about hiding wiring and control cables inside frame tubes...

My friend Bronson is back in town after having spent many months working in California. Bronson is an excellent welder and has done work for me in the past. While I could probably do what I need to do with my mig welder, Bronson has much better skills and equipment. I didn't know if he was up for a little side work, but it sounds like he is. I will happily pay him for his expertise. As my friend Gordon Kline likes to say, It is hard to beat a man at his own game.

New tabs ready to be welded onto the Moto Guzzi frame.
New tabs ready to be welded onto the Moto Guzzi frame.

Photo courtesy of Gregory Bender.

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